Technology Leaders Since 2010
Empyrean is passionate about ensuring businesses get more value from technology.

Continuously improving our value, services and solutions.
We’re trusted partners to many clients who’ve been with us since our inception – because they know we have the vision to help them remain at the forefront of technology innovation.
From 2010 to now, and beyond
Formerly known as Cloud Solutions Group, we were founded at the cusp of the cloud computing revolution. Fast forward to 2023, as change accelerates in IT, we underwent own transformation to reflect our evolving capabilities – taking you above the cloud in 2024 and beyond, your trusted IT partner rebrands to Empyrean.
Big 4 Experience
Our agency spent 5 years as Deloitte consultants, so we can give you the best of both worlds: Enterprise-level perspective delivered by an agile, mid-sized team.

Outcome Oriented
Our north star is delivering solutions that are fit for your business and that help you achieve your goals. While our relentless commitment to keeping up to date means we’re always able to advise you on the pros and cons of the latest tech.
Dedicated, Mid-size Team
We bring together a dedicated team of top-tier talent who are deeply passionate about the world of technology. The Empyrean business owners are actively immersed in the business operations, setting a leading example and upholding a strong sense of accountability.
End-to-End Solutions
We deliver from strategy, to implementation, to managed services.
Proud supporters of Vic ICT for Women
Vic ICT for Women is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to increase the entry, retention, and progress of women in the ESTEAM industries.

Vendor Partnerships
We have deep expertise with the major vendors and can help you get the best performance, out of the best technology, in this solar system.